Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I may have...

ADD! I think so anyway because it seems like I started this blog a couple of times and i can't seem to remember what i wanted to write about because the phone would ring, my email chime, my kid screamed, my door bell buzzed, my floorboards squeaked or the 100 million crickets were going off in my ears all at once caught my attention and pulled me away from what it is i was going to write about before i got ADD or ADHD, which ever is the bigger more RIDICULOUS disorder!

So many distractions and all i want to do is sit here, laptop on lap and write about my day! How exciting is that! You must be saying to yourselves, "wow, I wonder what enlightening BS Kevin has for us today!?!?" Well, let me tell you, I got some important shit to say! Doesn't it seem like I would, I mean, I am the lead singer/lyricist for Candlebox & The Gracious Few so I must have some deep thoughts to spill about the WWW for y'all to search on the googles! Oh yes, back to the ADD thing!

So when I start these things I always ask myself what it is that I want to say and how would i like to go about it. You'd be surprised at the depths i go to find something REAL to say because any Jackalope can have one of these Bloggy things but I want to be the Jackalope of all Jackalopes so I dig and dig until i give you the deepest of thoughts to ponder! Really?

But seriously now, just having fun really. It's quite enjoyable sitting here, lap on fire from laptop sitting on lap and battery overheating my 17"er. Perhaps the best part of my blogging is how funny i seem to think i am! Slade, a little help here?!?

I have this friend that thinks that i think that i'm as funny as he seems to think that i think he is but in reality he is not as funny as i think he is so we are, as you can imagine, SUPER friends and yet we dont laugh at one another's jokes we just laugh at one another! I Heart Slade!

Right, ADD, as I said earlier I think i may have this wonderfully "SCIENTIFIC" disorder which explanations why I and millions of Americans cant seem to focus on one thing for more than a minute or 2. Speaking of minutes, The Gracious Few spent several thousand minutes making what might possibly be the greatest record ever recorded over several thousand minutes! AMAZING HUH!

I miss you guys, make sure to stop by and say hello every now and then!

super big mahalo,
Kevy K


  1. ADD huh? So that's your excuse now? lol

    Well, at least I can blame that when you don't get back to me and not that you hate me or something lol

    Good to hear from you Kev, even if your blogs do make my head hurt LOL

    See you and The Few in PA!

    Jeff Cerzosie

  2. A few years ago you were sure this disorder didn’t even exist. But it’s ok, don’t worry too much about it, everyone these days seems to have it, including my daughter and half of my friends. I think I have a touch of it myself sometimes. Like you said, there are just too many distractions in this world of technology when your phones and emails and texts are all going off at the same time. You probably have ADHD, which is not such a bad thing in your case, because it’s the H (hyper) which gives you the energy to do what you do every night while you are on stage. The good thing is you are able to shut yourself off and concentrate when you’re writing. Your songs have meaning, are flowing and to the point. They aren’t ADD ridden (like this blog…LOL). It all works for you. Embrace it because it makes you who you are!! I am very sure the TGF record will be the most amazing record ever written (they just keep getting better and better)!!! Must be the ADD! Be well!

  3. I also heart Slade!

    Gotta say, this entry gave me a hearty chuckle. Keep 'em coming! :D

  4. Kevy K???????? Hmmm lame!!!!!!!
