Tuesday, January 26, 2010

When will it ever....


I feel like I've been awake for months, stuck in a studio screaming like a banshee at the top of my lungs from the bottom of musical soul. I can't remember a more emotional time in my life to be embarking on a new career with a different group of friends and a brand new direction. Jasper's about to turn 2, my wife is at her wits end with me and my constant travels and I am completely exhausted and overwhelmed with excitement. The Gracious Few is my new band and I am their new singer. No more bullshit arguments about who's songs are gonna be on the record, who's spotlight has been stolen, when we can and can't tour, publishing rights and rules etc. just 5 friends making great fucking rock songs.

I remember my father saying "son, sooner or later you are going to have to realize that there are more horses asses than there are horses." I'm glad I've found four other horses! Having a blast in my delirium.

a.k.a. Tommy Noble


  1. It's hell being a rockstar...break out the white sweater. :)

    "son, sooner or later you are going to have to realize that there are more horses asses than there are horses"...aw brings back sweet memories of a good man and the God's honest truth.

    No one will ever accuse you of not giving 110% of yourself to your passions. Remember to take a moment for yourself and breath.

    You and the family are always in my prayers.

  2. Can't wait to hear it bro. Finally tracked down a copy of "Appetite" last week. Kindof feels a little all over the place musically, but in a "we're just gonna ride this and see where it takes us" kindof way. Fuckin' rad! Hope you Nat & Jasper are wonderful!

  3. Great post Kevin...and what an honest share...Delierium is a good thing, and its even better for you becuase you understand the excitement. You have worked hard and more than paid your dues. You have an incredible ear for music and lyrics.and awesome connection with your audience. I cannot tell you enough, how proud I am of you and for you! As Tim says, "were just gonna ride this and see where it takes us"...Your family is beautiful, and the love you have for them will only bring you more happines and joy...(not always a bed of roses...sometimes Daisy's will have to do ;-)
    Remember Dads comment when things looked tough.."No body promised us a good time" so its up to us to make it the best we can...and you will..xo
