Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Sometimes you just hit the nail right smack on the head and it sinks right in. No second swing, no readjusting the nail, nothing, just bam and its in! I can remember that feeling vividly back when i still swung a hammer and likend myself to my best friend and fellow "contractor" Jeff. Now its all nail guns and compressors, kind of like the music business. No real talent needed to swing the hammer, just plug the son of a bitch in and BAM. God damn computers, I love them, they are so beautiful and cute.....Ok, back to what I'm really talking about!

We sat down a few months ago and started what we all had hoped was the beginning of a truly rockin record by The Gracious Few. Ideas galore, melodies for days and too much music, really, to begin to choose from. That being said there was one really special moment that began what is possibly one of the greatest songs that I have personally ever been involved in writing. What started with a simple riff has evolved into a song that will swing it's hammer down on you and you will sink right in.

What a life I lead!!! WOW.

Lighthouses Rule,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

When will it ever....


I feel like I've been awake for months, stuck in a studio screaming like a banshee at the top of my lungs from the bottom of musical soul. I can't remember a more emotional time in my life to be embarking on a new career with a different group of friends and a brand new direction. Jasper's about to turn 2, my wife is at her wits end with me and my constant travels and I am completely exhausted and overwhelmed with excitement. The Gracious Few is my new band and I am their new singer. No more bullshit arguments about who's songs are gonna be on the record, who's spotlight has been stolen, when we can and can't tour, publishing rights and rules etc. just 5 friends making great fucking rock songs.

I remember my father saying "son, sooner or later you are going to have to realize that there are more horses asses than there are horses." I'm glad I've found four other horses! Having a blast in my delirium.

a.k.a. Tommy Noble